Some Thoughts About the Current College Protests Over the Israeli War with Hamas

(I did not want to write about our body politic anymore. I do not understand our culture, and the people who dominate us both politically and culturally turn me off. I found I had to write about what is being said about the current college protests. It seems too big a distortion of fact to ignore. I am sort of taking shelter here in Vermont where I can pretend all of the insanity going on in the world does not concern me – very selfish of me, it concerns us all).

The college protests in the 1960s were not anti-Vietnamese, they were not anti-Asian, they were anti-war. I see the same for the recent college protests. To paint the current protests as being anti-Semitic is a raft of horseshit pushed by the Right.

I ask, where was the outrage on the Right after the Charlottesville, Virginia “Unite the Right” neo-Nazi demonstration in 2017, when Trump was president? Of course, Trump stated after, “…there were a lot of good people on both sides…,” in defense of the neo-Nazis. I remember the chant of the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, “…Jews will not replace us…,” as they marched by torchlight very reminiscent of the Nazi Nuremberg rallies with Hitler – (it was meant to be reminiscent).

Damn, there is a lot of convenient amnesia in our politicians as well as in the general public. The whole bunch makes me sick. I cannot be the only person in the country with a functioning memory.

These current protests are against the war being waged in Gaza. Unfortunately, Israel is waging the war. I am not defending what happened last October 7th. I am also not going to defend Israel’s conduct of its war with Hamas, and this does not make me anti-Semitic.This is not about anti-Semitism. It is about what appears to be against all the rules of war as well as looking very much like a form of genocide. Israel’s continual taking from the Palestinian people for the last 40+ years puts all of this in a bad light when it comes to trying to defend Israel.

I give the current college population credit for being energized about something – there is so much that needs their energy.

Published by Ed Pirie

I am a native Vermonter. I am a child of the 50s, 1951 to be exact. For much of my youth Vermont had one foot in the 19th century and one in the 20th century. The old ways coexisted with a world that was changing. We were sort of insulated in Vermont from much that was happening outside our state, but our little protective bubble was shrinking. My understanding of today has been greatly influenced by the past as the past was always part of our present in the Vermont of the 1950s and even the 60s. I am not much of a follower and like to do my own thinking. You will find my thoughts on many topics here. I value my family and a quiet existence in a very rural part of Vermont. I try to write clearly and simply. I hope you enjoy and thank you for visiting my site. Take care.

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