We are over the top with polarization and politics

Enough is enough, and really way too much a long time ago.

A high school friend who now lives in Florida stopped in to visit us in West Topsham the other day. We relived old high school days and had a great visit. But then, and there always seems to be a “but then,” he started talking about how much he supported Governor DeSantis. He recognized the cold reception this talk got and stopped. The irony is this is a fellow that never cared at all about politics. I think our politics have gotten too deep with all of us.

I read a piece today about a new so-called “theory” being shared in the world of the right wing and conservatives. The theory is called “long marchisim” and it refers to a long march of liberals and Democrats that have taken over all our institutions since WWII. This makes me wonder if King George and his loyalists here in the colonies were saying the same thing about the lead up to the American Revolution. We had become chuck full of “long marchism” in our legislatures and local governments in the colonies, it was just terrible (I am being facetious here). This “long marchism” idea is being used to justify Trump’s plan to root out all of the so-called “deep state” and like-minded folks if he gets elected again.

I am sad and disgusted because we cannot stop being at war with ourselves. We seem to have stopped being Americans some time ago and went into some sort of cold civil war. I think we never really healed from the first Civil War. Rather than heal, we let part of the country retreat into denial and a glorification of the pre-Civil War past. That’s still where we are today. Now, it’s called “long marchism.” Maybe in a few more generations we can move on – hope so.

Published by Ed Pirie

I am a native Vermonter. I am a child of the 50s, 1951 to be exact. For much of my youth Vermont had one foot in the 19th century and one in the 20th century. The old ways coexisted with a world that was changing. We were sort of insulated in Vermont from much that was happening outside our state, but our little protective bubble was shrinking. My understanding of today has been greatly influenced by the past as the past was always part of our present in the Vermont of the 1950s and even the 60s. I am not much of a follower and like to do my own thinking. You will find my thoughts on many topics here. I value my family and a quiet existence in a very rural part of Vermont. I try to write clearly and simply. I hope you enjoy and thank you for visiting my site. Take care.

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